
Most of our Starlight Cinemas locations now feature reserved seating. Select your favorite seats while you purchase your tickets ahead of time. We'll save them for you as you arrive at your leisure. No need to rush to the box office to avoid lines and crowds; this seat selection feature is even available when you purchase your tickets online or through the app!

Gone are the days of scrambling to your ideal seats way ahead of your movie's start time, having to skip grabbing some popcorn and snacks, or having to pass on using the bathroom. Your reserved seats are marked in our system as unavailable for others to buy and are considered yours from the moment you purchase your tickets up until your movie ends.

Locate your easy-to-find seat labeled with the row letter and seat number you chose when purchasing. To help remind you, your row letter and seat number will also be printed on your physical ticket. Change your mind about the seats you reserved? Speak with an employee when you arrive at your theater and the reservation can be swapped out for different available seats.